• 33% of the world’s population (1.4 billion) are overweight or obese, [1].
  • If trends continue in 2030 57.8% of the population or 3.3 billion people will be overweight or obese, [2].
  • In the US 33%of adults aged 20 and over are overweight, 35.6% are obese and 6.3% are extremely obese, [3].
  • Among children 16.9% of children and adolescents aged 2 – 19 years are obese,[4].
  • This prevalence is likely to double by 2030 among children and adolescents,[5].

1. World health Organization. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets.fs311.en

2. Kelly T Yang W, Chen CSreynolds K, HeJ.Global Burden of obesity 2005 and protections to 2030,IntJ Ones (Lond).2008;32(3):1431-7.

3. Ogden CL,CarrolMD,KitBK,FlegalKM,Prevalecence of obesity in the United States, 2009-2010,NCHS Data Brief.2012;82:1-8.

4. Fryar C Carol MD,OgdenCL, Prevalescence of obesity among children and adolescents; United States, trends 1963-1965 through 2009-2010 NCHS.http://wwwcdc.gov.nchs/data/estat/.