Since the introduction of laparoscopic surgery for obese patients the recovery has dramatically improved after undergoing a bariatric procedure. Also the selection and preparation has made the recovery process smooth and rapid, if all steps of the prep protocol are followed. For the most common performed bariatric surgeries, which are Gastric Bypass And Gastric Sleeve, Hospital stay is on average two days, with reincorporation to a moderate lifestyle within 10 days. No sutures have to be removed since we use absorbable sutures. 

A postoperative nutrition plan is followed during the first month after a bariatric procedure, ensuring adequate calorie, protein, vitamins, minerals intake, and it is normally divided in four stages starting with clear fluids on post day one until the patient is able to eat solid food in the fourth postoperative week. Basically the only restriction we give to our patients is not to lift any heavy weight the first 6 weeks (more than 35 lb.). They can resume moderate excessive after those first 6 weeks and after 3 months there is no restriction on exercise or weight lifting.

Dr Galileo Villarreal

Bariatric Surgeon